Focus Areas

Research and Analytics for Exceptional Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing

At Dynamic Strategic Marketing (DSM), we work with our clients in an interactive format to construct a detailed picture of their business environment by assessing the competitive, economic, political, legal, technological, and sociocultural forces affecting their business. We attentively focus on how these forces affect our client’s overall business operations in order to assist them in constructing sound strategic plans and tactical initiatives. Read more

Marketing Research

As Marketing Analysts, we examine relevant information that will assist our client’s in making informed decisions concerning marketing strategy and tactics.  By using diverse sources of qualitative (e.g., focus groups) and quantitative data (e.g., surveys) we assist our clients in assessing current sales of their products/services and provide them with feasible solutions for expanding their market presence.  We also assist clients in understanding the market presence of their competitors by examining the competitions market presence, products/services offerings, and customer profiles.   Read more..

Customer Analysis

At Dynamic Strategic Marketing, we use focused marketing research to assist our clients in analyzing the needs, wants, habits, lifestyles, and preferences of their customers.  We assist our clients in this process by using qualitative methods such as focus groups and one-on-one interviews with customers and employees, as well as quantitative methods such as surveys and cluster analysis.  To conduct this type of analysis, we focus on four primary phases:

  • Identifying our clients’ current and potential customer base,
  • Identifying the needs and wants of our clients’ current and potential customers,
  • Developing profiles of our clients’ current and potential customer base,
  • Identifying and analyzing the competition’s customer base. 

Together, these four phases culminate in a detailed picture of our client’s customer base and provide insight on which segment of customers our client’s products and/or services are best suited.

Big Data Analytics

Businesses of all sizes can readily apply analytics to gain new knowledge and insight about markets and consumers.  At Dynamic Strategic Marketing, we employ Big Data Analytics to help our clients examine large and diverse data sets, from many different sources, that may be in a structured, semi-structured and/or unstructured format. 

  • These sources may be high volume (e.g., sales data), high velocity (e.g., daily scanner data), high variety (e.g., online mobile and off-line in-store customer feedback), or any combination of the three.
  • Utilizing these sources of data, we assist our clients in identifying customer segments that are currently not being serviced and point out areas for new product development or market expansion. 
  • These efforts lead to more efficient operations, higher profits and increased customer satisfaction.
  •  Read more

Digital Marketing

There is no doubt that 20th century marketing is heavily influenced in all areas by advanced technology. The dramatic increase in electronic device usage caused by the coronavirus will likely attain record levels in the “New Normal”. Strategic Digital Marketing is now an integral part of just about every business type. Falling behind or ignoring the various changes is very risky to survival.

  • We strategically guide clients through the process and ensure that you communicate effectively with your customers using digital media.
  • From a qualitative research perspective, we engage in text and sentiment analytics, taking unstructured conversations from company websites, product review sites, tweets, videos, social media postings and other digital sources, then transform them into structured data that can be analyzed. 
  • We interpret language, tone, feelings, and context concerning customer communications related to the client’s products and/or services. 
  • With this data, we then utilize quantitative procedures in the form of predictive analytics, to help clients identify meaningful patters in the data sets, thus allowing them to gain insights from past and current business operations. 

Business Development

Now is the time to start your business and we are ready to guide you. If you already have a business, maybe it’s a good time to modify or update your business model in this dynamic environment. We are ready to strategically enable the process.

  • Generating ideas by brainstorming leading to market-focused business model development.
  • Consumer-driven physical product creation with an emphasis on service-orientation.
  • Enhancing cash flow using traditional and innovative funding techniques
  • Growing customer base, using traditional promotion methods, complemented by cutting edge digital marketing techniques.